Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Correct Golf Grip for Your Right Hand

Learn how to improve your golf swing  with the correct golf club grip. Look this free instructional golfing video lesson.

  1. Hold a club in the playing position.
  2. Ads by Google Raise the club to between waist high and chest golf grip size high. Remove your right hand from the club (this is for right-handed golfers). If you are left-handed, just reverse the hand described. Maintain your grip on the club with your left hand. 
  3.  Turn the club so that you can see your fingertips. Take special care not to move your hand or over squeeze the club.
  4. Observe the middle, ring and pinkie finger’s relationship with the pad of your palm. Your fingertips should just be lightly brushing your palm pad. If there is a gap, the grip is considered too large. (The only exception would be if you have arthritis, then you would need the larger grips to alleviate pain.) If your fingertips are digging into your palm pad, the grip would be considered too small.
  5. Measure the grip at a point that is 2 inches from the grip cap end with a vernier caliper. This gives you the decimal grip size; then you can use the chart to determine size. If the grip on your club is too big, you’ll need to use your judgment to determine how much too big the grip is. If your grip is too small, continue to step 7. 
  6. Use masking tape (or you can use cloth tape) to build up the grip's size. Then repeat steps 1-5 until you create the proper size. When you reach the proper size, repeat step 6.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Golf Swing Address Position

The single plane address position is the foundation to moving the club correctly on what we consider the single plane. 

Many golf instruction companies today talk about swing plane, discovered the best way to strike a ball at a target.  

The Single Plane is simply the plane that the club will return to impact.  This impact plane is the design of the golf club.  It is matching the club to the anatomy of the human body that is the secret to how you can build a sound, repeatable, powerful swing of ease bio mechanical efficiency

It is the bio mechanical matching of the club to the body that creates the perfect union of golf club to anatomy, (machine and tool)- forming the true single plane.

The shaft position at address mirrored the club shaft position at impact. We call this the "single plane". The "single plane" based on perfect club design. In other words, the club at address and impact are exactly the way the club is designed.
The secret is how swung the golf club in the most efficient way possible to return the club back to impact. It is how Moe established this ideal "single plane" that demonstrates his genius.