Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Proper golf grip pictures. Overlapping Grip, Interlocking Grip

The Correct Golf Grip pictures and How to Grip Golf Club images
Overlapping Grip
Made popular by an old-time famous golf instructor, Harry Vardon, the overlapping grip is when you grip the club with your left hand, which will be the top. The club tip will rest near the area where the edge of your palm meets with the base of your pinky finger. The shaft will cross close to where your ring and middle fingers connect, and then across the middle of your index finger.
Overlapping Grip
Now curl the fingers from your left hand around the club. Your right pinky finger should be snugly placed into the groove between the index finger and the middle finger of your left hand. The shaft should be resting naturally inside the channel that you created by curling the fingers from your right hand around the grip.

Interlocking Grip
The interlocking grip is another version of the overlapping grip. Basically, you utilize the same steps as you would for the overlapping grip, except that with this grip you will rest the right pinky in the groove between your left index finger and middle finger.
Interlocking Golf Grip
Next you interlock the right pinky in the left index finger. The interlocking grip seems to suit people who have smaller hands and short fingers. Young players and many women tend to find this grip perfect when starting out.

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